1. Jedi Mind Tricks – In your own home!

All I have to say about this is….I want one!

2. Soda is like Tobacco?

Well, I guess the effects on your body are similar, anyway. Interesting read and one that might just make you think twice before picking up that next diet soda.

3. Getting rid of the clutter-bug.

What needs to be my next project, but one I seem to tackle every year. I guess I’m not the only one. That’s good. For me there’s comfort in numbers.

4. Giant Chinese dustball is circling the Earth

Well, that’s comforting.

5. You Can’t Be President!

Another book to add to my never-ending wish list!
1. Another apology? WTF?

This man doesn’t need to be asking for forgiveness anymore…We don’t need his apologies – we need his letter of resignation. From the comments that have been posted thus far, I’d say that most people agree with me. So why he is still around??? Wake up, SC, it’s time to kick him to the curb!

2. A movement to save newspapers

Interesting read here. It’s called the Newspaper Project and it’s a grassroots movement by newspaper executives. Seems we’re not the only people concerned about the quality of the content we get when we (god forbid) must pay for our news.

3. How a Famous Sign-Off was born

So not even Cronkite gets it right all the time on the first try. I guess there’s hope yet for all of us who will never be giants in our industries. :)

4. Digital Theft – By Amazon?

What is the world coming to that a retailer can now remotely access a reading device and delete electronic copies of items you paid for? And is the fact that they refunded you the purchase price enough to compensate for the violation committed in the deletion? Wow! My mind races with thoughts of “what if” real store were allowed to barge in my home and confiscate any item they decided they should not have sold to me. Scary, I tell you, very scary.

5. C-Street in Washington: Male run brothel or something even scarier?

I don’t know what bothers me more – the fact that those that live there considered themselves the “chosen-ones of God” or the fact that morality is shunned at the core of this little society AND we have elected them to lead us. Watch the video and I’d love to know what you think!
1. Walter Cronkite is dead.

And yet another huge icon of Americana is gone. Let me be the first of many to say that this has been a rough 4 weeks to be an icon in this country. Mr. Cronkite has been a part of all of our lives and, as a perpetual student of politics and law, I can truly say that reporters of this caliber will always leave a hole in my world. Of course, I think he set the bar that so few after him have been able to reach.

2. All You Subscription Deal @ Southern Savers

Ok, for those of you who seek out the best deals on the planet each week to keep your families fed, here’s the deal for you. But you’ve got to hurry, the deal expires July 31, 2009, so you must act quickly. Go on over to Southern Savers and check it out. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

3. Sanford scandal leads to first key departure.

While I’ve never had anything nice to think or say about Joel Sawyer, press secretary to our future ex-gov, I still find his timing to leave the office interesting. He refuses to give too much detail on what his next venture in life will be, but I pity the fool that’s hired him. He’s an idiot, plain and simple. Well – but maybe not, at least he’s finally showing SOME intelligence – a little late, mind you, but some, just the same. He’s finally figured out that it’s best to put as much distance between him and Mr. Argentina as possible. Thanks for playing, Joel. You won’t be missed.

4. Lawyers & Politicians ARE NOT treated equally in SC!

You might have to look back at the original story to get my full meaning here, but this truly disgusts me. We are locking up kids for years for carrying around a couple of joints, but a Solicitor in this state can fail (miserably, I might add) several field sobriety tests and yet still he is able to avoid both the DUI charge AND any other charge that would require a jail time penalty. Yep, our justice system is totally fair and balanced here. Wow!

5. White Man’s Last Stand by: Maureen Dowd

Simply my favorite editorial this week. You go, girl!
1. Jon minus Kate: Stepping out with the Plastic Surgeon’s kid

I know a lot of people are sick and tired of the whole Jon & Kate thing, but for me, someone who rarely watched the show except for those rainy weekends that coincided with a marathon running of the episodes, this definitely has my attention. I cannot understand what in the heck this man is thinking. For someone who always seemed so committed to the family, his wife, and his adorable children, this is just sickening. The French Riviera?!? A 22-year old?? What? And you say this is the daughter of Kate’s plastic surgeon? WTF?!?
Anyone else notice that his comment, “it started out as a friendship and then became something more” sounds an awful lot like Mark Sanford’s explanation of his affair with his “soul mate”. I guess Jon didn’t know where Argentina was and just jetted off to the next best sexy sounding place on the place. Nice work.

2. Penguin goes straight!

I don’t know when the last time was that I saw such an adorable story. Who knew?

3. Harry Potter: The movie I can’t wait to see this summer.

Yes, I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd. I’ve read all the books, but can’t wait to see the newest installment. It’s a tradition in my family with the kids and I think we’ll put this on the calendar for next week. Yay!

4. Tracing the First Lady’s slavery roots

Who knew her roots would lead to Georgetown, SC – quite literally up the road from me? Interesting. Of course, I also find it interesting that very little attention has ever been given to the genealogy of other First Ladies.

5. Shelfari: My favorite place to document my reading life

A great place to track the books you own, want, lend out. You can also rate and review the books you read and then get recommendations on what to read next. Tons of other great features, as well. Check it out!
1. Ghost Hunters

My favorite two Roter Rooter guys are back again for yet another season. Wednesday nights are totally ‘haunted’ in our home and we love every minute of it!

2. Wipeout

This is the one we watch with the kids. Sometimes just listening to their laughter is enough to make me laugh until I cry.

3. You Are What You Eat

This is one of my favorite BBC shows. At first, I thought the nutritionist was just a control freak, but the facts and figures she spouts out about the food we eat is more than eye-opening. For instance, did you know that drinking too much milk can send your mucous glands into overload mode, which in turn, can create respiratory symptoms? Well, I didn’t either, until I watched this show. Trust me, you’ll learn a great deal, even about the foods you thought you knew! :)

4. Wife Swap

It took me awhile to even watch this program just because of the name, but once I did, I was hooked. For anyone who thinks they have a chaotic or strange family life, watch this show. I can promise you – you aren’t the only one! Some people have the strangest relationships and I guess shows like this are just proof that it takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round.

5. Raising the Bar

My favorite NEW show! Anyone interested in law-related programs should be paying attention to this one. Fairly accurate portrayal and is up-to-date on all the latest pressing legal issues being decided in courtrooms across the nation. Great cast…just wish it was on earlier in the evening. 10 PM on Mondays is a rough way to start the week.
1. Better Groceries for Less Cash: The next book I want to read.

As may be obvious now from my previous posts, I’m very interested in couponing and saving money at any possible juncture. This book looks like just the “next best” resource. I have a feeling it probably offers some of the advice that I already live by when it comes to shopping at grocery stores in general, but my next passion is being able to get more nutritious food for less, rather than so many processed foods for next to nothing (as it seems I’m doing now).

2. My Coupon Binder: My next project

So I’ve been stockpiling coupons since the first week of May and I’ve saved probably close to $600+ by now. We are using coupons for everything from groceries and personal hygiene items to eating out and admission to local museums and movies. However, I’ve tried several ways of organizing all of these coupons and it just seems to be more and more frustrating the longer I go without one set way of doing things. I’ve been searching far and wide for what might work best for the volume of coupons I have (I tend to get 3 papers on Sundays and then inserts from my dad’s paper, also). I’ve decided that this Binder system seems to work best for most people, so I plan on getting together the supplies to make my own this week. I’ll keep you updated on how it works out.

3. The Superficial: My favorite Celeb Gossip site on the web.

It’s a bit more tasteful than TMZ and seems to have good feeds. This is definitely what I turn to for instant entertainment whenever possible.

4. Paint Charleston Daily: My favorite online gallery of Charleston artwork

One of these days, when the money is flowing a little more freely than it is now and when we OWN our home instead of renting, I want to purchase a piece from this artist and have it on prominent display – maybe above my long-dreamed for fireplace.

5. FML: A favorite turn-to when I’m feeling down on myself.

While most of the stories are pretty humorous, some of them are so far-fetched you have to question their truth, but still when you’re having a bad day and things seem especially f’ed up in your life, go here and read about someone whose lot in life is far worse than yours.
1. What I'm Reading...

2. Summer Reading:

The worst thing about Summer Break is the brain drain that happens with children who don't pick up a single educational thing (aka book) during the summer. Some experts say that they easily lose up to 2 months worth of grade level education by completely vegging out the entire break. However, if you're like me, your children go to school in a district that is struggling to pay for the very basics of education and didn't even have the funds to create a grade-level specific summer reading list/program. What was sent home with my oldest child (rising 7th grader) met the reading levels of my younger two children (rising 2nd and 4th graders). Yep! And they wonder why our children are entering high school with 4th grade reading levels around here.

As an avid book lover, this just wouldn't suffice. I researched the various methods for "grading" a book's grade level as far as vocabulary and comprehension levels that should be attained after reading. Lexile was the site I loved the best. Most of all because it has built in a book finder database that goes all the way to graduate level books. My kids and I built our own lists this summer and then shopped used book stores for bargain finds. They have all read at least 2 books and we still have 6 weeks of summer left!


3. My Favorite Photo Printer

This printer has been one of the best things I've ever purchased. It's making the work of putting together my daughter's "What I Did This Summer" scrapbook super easy. We go out, have a blast, take some pics, and come straight home to hook up the camera and print away. Makes a great gift for any photo lover!

4. My Favorite Comedian

Eddie Izzard...simply the best. As chaotic and serious as my life seems to be on a daily basis, this guy has the ability to make me laugh until wetting my pants becomes a serious threat. Check him out!

5. Most ludicrous news story of the day:

Yeah, I'd love to see how much money they'll waste ATTEMPTING to enforce this one!

1. Southern Savers blog:
I recently discovered this blog in my quest to become an expert couponer. Let's face it, the economy sucks and being a graduate student with a family and no regular income at this time makes it 1000 times worse. This site and many others like it have become my light at the end of the long, dark tunnel of self-imposed poverty. If you live in the Southeast, Jenny does a great job at scoping out all the great deals for southern grocery chains and even some national chains, like CVS (my fave!). I can guarantee this will be a site you come running back to again and again.

2. Sanford: Will he stay or go?
Governor Sanford -- what a loaded topic that is around these parts these days. Personally I wish he'd pack his bags, call up that real estate agent he met with in Argentina a year ago, and book the next flight out of SC. We'd all be better off -- including his wife and boys. However, according the the paper, the death of MJ couldn't have come at a better time for Sanford. Once again, Hollywood gets in the way of moral values being allowed to sweep out the trash.

3. All You Magazine
This is simply one of the best magazines I've come across in a long time! Full of coupons, recipes and USEFUL tips and articles, it has quickly become a go-to publication when I'm in need of just about anything to do with my busy (and sometimes chaotic) home life.

4. Kids-in-Mind: Movie Ratings with families in mind
Being a mom, the ratings of movies have become almost impossible to interpret, but this great site actually tells me (in word - not letter-ratings) what content in the movies I might find objectionable for my kids to see regardless of how Hollywood chose to rate it. It rates thousands of movies, old and new alike.

5. PostSecret
Simply my Sunday hobby that helps me understand the world a little better. People create postcards with secrets they've never told a soul and mail them in. I'm telling you, it's like the best gossip reel out there. Of course, you have no idea who is posting what, but I can promise you that no matter what your secret is, you WILL find one that's worse than anything you could have ever dreamed! Makes you realize that being "perfect" is so not a part of being "human"!