1. Ghost Hunters

My favorite two Roter Rooter guys are back again for yet another season. Wednesday nights are totally ‘haunted’ in our home and we love every minute of it!

2. Wipeout

This is the one we watch with the kids. Sometimes just listening to their laughter is enough to make me laugh until I cry.

3. You Are What You Eat

This is one of my favorite BBC shows. At first, I thought the nutritionist was just a control freak, but the facts and figures she spouts out about the food we eat is more than eye-opening. For instance, did you know that drinking too much milk can send your mucous glands into overload mode, which in turn, can create respiratory symptoms? Well, I didn’t either, until I watched this show. Trust me, you’ll learn a great deal, even about the foods you thought you knew! :)

4. Wife Swap

It took me awhile to even watch this program just because of the name, but once I did, I was hooked. For anyone who thinks they have a chaotic or strange family life, watch this show. I can promise you – you aren’t the only one! Some people have the strangest relationships and I guess shows like this are just proof that it takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round.

5. Raising the Bar

My favorite NEW show! Anyone interested in law-related programs should be paying attention to this one. Fairly accurate portrayal and is up-to-date on all the latest pressing legal issues being decided in courtrooms across the nation. Great cast…just wish it was on earlier in the evening. 10 PM on Mondays is a rough way to start the week.


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