1. Jon minus Kate: Stepping out with the Plastic Surgeon’s kid

I know a lot of people are sick and tired of the whole Jon & Kate thing, but for me, someone who rarely watched the show except for those rainy weekends that coincided with a marathon running of the episodes, this definitely has my attention. I cannot understand what in the heck this man is thinking. For someone who always seemed so committed to the family, his wife, and his adorable children, this is just sickening. The French Riviera?!? A 22-year old?? What? And you say this is the daughter of Kate’s plastic surgeon? WTF?!?
Anyone else notice that his comment, “it started out as a friendship and then became something more” sounds an awful lot like Mark Sanford’s explanation of his affair with his “soul mate”. I guess Jon didn’t know where Argentina was and just jetted off to the next best sexy sounding place on the place. Nice work.

2. Penguin goes straight!

I don’t know when the last time was that I saw such an adorable story. Who knew?

3. Harry Potter: The movie I can’t wait to see this summer.

Yes, I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd. I’ve read all the books, but can’t wait to see the newest installment. It’s a tradition in my family with the kids and I think we’ll put this on the calendar for next week. Yay!

4. Tracing the First Lady’s slavery roots

Who knew her roots would lead to Georgetown, SC – quite literally up the road from me? Interesting. Of course, I also find it interesting that very little attention has ever been given to the genealogy of other First Ladies.

5. Shelfari: My favorite place to document my reading life

A great place to track the books you own, want, lend out. You can also rate and review the books you read and then get recommendations on what to read next. Tons of other great features, as well. Check it out!


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