1. Another apology? WTF?

This man doesn’t need to be asking for forgiveness anymore…We don’t need his apologies – we need his letter of resignation. From the comments that have been posted thus far, I’d say that most people agree with me. So why he is still around??? Wake up, SC, it’s time to kick him to the curb!

2. A movement to save newspapers

Interesting read here. It’s called the Newspaper Project and it’s a grassroots movement by newspaper executives. Seems we’re not the only people concerned about the quality of the content we get when we (god forbid) must pay for our news.

3. How a Famous Sign-Off was born

So not even Cronkite gets it right all the time on the first try. I guess there’s hope yet for all of us who will never be giants in our industries. :)

4. Digital Theft – By Amazon?

What is the world coming to that a retailer can now remotely access a reading device and delete electronic copies of items you paid for? And is the fact that they refunded you the purchase price enough to compensate for the violation committed in the deletion? Wow! My mind races with thoughts of “what if” real store were allowed to barge in my home and confiscate any item they decided they should not have sold to me. Scary, I tell you, very scary.

5. C-Street in Washington: Male run brothel or something even scarier?

I don’t know what bothers me more – the fact that those that live there considered themselves the “chosen-ones of God” or the fact that morality is shunned at the core of this little society AND we have elected them to lead us. Watch the video and I’d love to know what you think!


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